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MarketWatch Python Library

This is a Python library for interacting with the MarketWatch virtual trading platform. The library provides an easy-to-use interface for performing various actions such as getting game details, portfolio information, buying and selling stocks, getting leaderboard information, and more.


pip install marketwatch


First, you need to create an account on MarketWatch and then create a virtual game.

Once you have created a game, you will be able to get the game's id from its URL, which will be used throughout the library.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import os
    username = os.environ.get("MARKETWATCH_USERNAME")
    password = os.environ.get("MARKETWATCH_PASSWORD")

    marketwatch = MarketWatch(username, password)


import os
from marketwatch import MarketWatch
# Login
mw = MarketWatch(os.environ["MARKETWATCH_USERNAME"], os.environ["MARKETWATCH_PASSWORD"])

Get Games


This method returns a list of games the user has created or joined. For each game, you get its name, url, id, return, total_return, rank, end, and players.

Get portfolio


This method returns a dictionary containing information about the user's portfolio, including the ticker, quantity, price, value, and value_percentage for each holding. game_id is the id of the game you want to retrieve the portfolio for.

Buy and Sell stocks, ticker, quantity)
mw.sell(game_id, ticker, quantity)

These methods allow the user to buy or sell stocks in the specified game. game_id is the id of the game you want to trade in, ticker is the stock's symbol, and quantity is the number of shares you want to buy or sell.

Get leaderboard


This method returns a list of the top players in the specified game. For each player, you get their rank, name, return, and return_percentage. game_id is the id of the game you want to retrieve the leaderboard for.

Get game settings


This method returns a dictionary containing information about the specified game, including the id, name, description, end_date, currency, starting_balance, transaction_fee, margin_interest_rate, order_types, and leverage.

Get stock price


This method returns the current price of the specified stock.

Get positions


This method returns a list of the user's current positions in the specified game. For each position, you get the ticker, quantity, price, gain, gain_percentage, value, and value_percentage.

Get pending orders


This method returns a list of the user's pending orders in the specified game. For each order, you get the ticker, quantity, price, order_type, and expiration.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import os
    username = os.environ.get("MARKETWATCH_USERNAME")
    password = os.environ.get("MARKETWATCH_PASSWORD")

    marketwatch = MarketWatch(username, password)

    print(f"Price: {marketwatch.get_price('AAPL')} \n")
    print(f"Games: {marketwatch.get_games()} \n")

    games1 = marketwatch.get_games()[0]["name"].lower().replace(" ", "-")

    print(f"Game: {marketwatch.get_game(games1)} \n")
    print(f"Game Settings: {marketwatch.get_game_settings(games1)} \n")

    print(f"Leaderboard: {marketwatch.get_leaderboard(games1)} \n")
    print(f"Porfolio: {marketwatch.get_portfolio(games1)} \n")

    print(f"Position: {marketwatch.get_positions(games1)}")
    print(f"Orders Pending: {marketwatch.get_pending_orders(games1)}"), "AAPL", 100)

    print(f"Updated Positions: {marketwatch.get_positions(game_id)}")

This example script demonstrates how to use the MarketWatch Python library to interact with the MarketWatch virtual trading platform. The script logs into MarketWatch with the user's credentials, retrieves the user's games and portfolio information, and then places a buy order for 100 shares of AAPL stock.

Please note that you'll need to set the environment variables MARKETWATCH_USERNAME and MARKETWATCH_PASSWORD with your own MarketWatch account credentials before running this script.

With the MarketWatch Python library, you can easily automate your trading strategies and interact with the virtual trading platform programmatically. This powerful library provides a convenient and efficient way to work with the MarketWatch platform and can be a valuable tool for both beginner and experienced traders.